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Critíque in Alma 100, March 2002

My friend Kyoko was in Spain recently and picked up a copy of Alma 100, a monthly flamenco magazine which can be found at places like Amor de Díos. When she turned to the section on recommended flamenco websites, she was pleasantly surprised to see a review on DC Flamenco:

Roughly translated:

"The webpage created by 'Miguelito' comes from Washington, DC to everyone on the Internet. Here you'll find activities in Washington DC, New York and nearby areas. The design of this electronic magazine is a little cheap and the navigation uncomfortable but it doesn't matter because it contains up-to-date news, dates of events and a unique section: 'Desert Island CD's.' The readers choose the ten CD's that they would take to a desert island. In the message board: 'Hey man, this website kicks ass! I had a great time...! ' Yeahhh. Verrrrrry American."

I know I'm already well-known, at least among flamencos who regularly use the Internet.

A few years ago, a friend of mine overheard this conversation at the Amor de Díos studio:

"Tati's having a workshop in the US in August."

"How do you know that?"

"I read about it on Miguelito's website."

On another occasion, I stopped by a 7-11 very late one night. I was startled when a very excited Japanese lady started pointing at me exclaiming "DC Flamenco! DC Flamenco!"

Most of the time, total strangers walk up to me and call me "Miguelito" and talk to me as if they've known me a long time...and in a way they have. My personality, thoughts and viewpoints are reflected through my website. You may not always agree with what I write, BUT you will always be informed of the DC Flamenco scene!

My mission with this website is not necessarily to make the DC flamenco scene known throughout the world. It's simply to make it easier for DC flamencos to keep up with what's going on. And it does the job! Flamencos here have NO excuse for not not knowing what's going on in DC!

Anyway, it's nice to finally see my website reviewed in a well-read flamenco magazine. My thanks to Keiko Higashi for mentioning me in the above article. Also thanks to Kyoko for giving me a copy of the Alma 100 magazine.

[Editor's note: you can buy a copy of this magazine at the "DE Flamenco" website for only 2 Euros! Autographs are free. :) ]

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